Welcome to the Sales & Trading and Asset Management Club at the University of Wisconsin - Madison Wisconsin
The Wisconsin School of Business's premier student-org for students interested in pursuing capital markets related careers
What is STAM
The Sales & Trading and Asset Management Club is UW-Madison's premier student-org focused on recruiting, developing and placing talented students into Sales & Trading, Equity and Debt Capital Markets, and Investment Management related internships and careers.
What we Do
Grasp the roles in Sales & Trading through guest speaker sessions and an annual trek to New York City to visit financial institutions.
Cover the four most traded asset classes: Equities, Bonds, FOREX & Commodities, follow and research each market in depth, discuss and pitch trade ideas, including a semester-end pitch competition.
Attend guest speaker sessions with UW alumni across DCM, sales, trading, AM and research, and learn the about career opportunities.
Robust senior mentorship program and alumni network for mock interviews, career readiness, resume and cover letter help and more to ensure members access to internships and careers.
Members are tasked with providing the club regular updates on market themes, indice movements, potential equity and credit trades, morning market color emails, ECM activity, and pitches.

Meet the Executive Board
VP of Internal Relations
VP of Diversity & Inclusion
VP of External Relations
Meet the Board of Directors
Recent Placements

Interested in recruiting our students or learning more about the club? Contact us.
Phone: 765-413-8237
Email: stam.wisconsin@gmail.com
Sales & Trading and Asset Management Club
975 University Avenue
Madison, WI 53703
Interested in joining our club?
Read below:
Tuesday, 1/21: Application Opens
Monday, 1/27: BBA Org Fair
Monday, 2/3: DEI Information Session
5:00pm in Grainger 4580
Tuesday, 2/4: Information Session
5:00pm in Grainger 4151
Wednesday, 2/5: Application Closes at 11:59pm
Thursday, 2/6: Final Round Invites Sent Out
Sunday, 2/9: Final Round Interview Day
Selected interviewees will be notified by 8:00pm on 2/6
Sunday, 2/16: First General Club Meeting